The CoreXY printer I designed and implemented is my center piece of printer. I use it for most my printing needs and continually keep adding features.
The wish list for this printer started out as follows:
- Sturdy design that should be transportable without fear of breakage.
- Aesthetically pleasing (no loose wires all over the place and proper finishing).
- Ramps 1.4 with a larger display, with possibility of upgrading in the future .
- Enclosed chamber with possibility of heating chamber (lot of issues with warping using ABS on Prusa I3).
- Larger bed. For starters 300×200 with room to grow.
- Heated bed (of course).
- Dual extruder (something I came back from).
- Use of linear rails where possible instead of rods.
- Easy accessible electronics.
- Easy to swap out extruder (with possibility of possible replacement with Laser or spindle)
- Internal lighting.
- Independent heat control for chamber heater with.
- Auto Bed leveling using an inducer.
- Cost effective. In order to keep cost down most items were purchased directly from China.
- Must be able to at least print at 75 micron
As I started designing this printer I came across the principle of Core XY motion which I was fascinated by. This printer has been implemented using CoreXY.
New features will keep coming but here are the current specs:
Dimensions: 610mmx610mmx820mm
Build plate: 330×220
Build volume: 200x300x305 (x/y/z)
Additional build plates for easy print removal and bed covering (one plate for ABS, one for other materials)
Heated Bed (Silicon 110v)
Extruder: (Genuine) E3D Titan extruder (direct extruder)
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Controller: Ramps 1.4
Motion: CoreXY (2x 2Amp steppers)
Guides: Linear Rail (THK 12mm)
Auto Bed leveling
Heated Chamber with separate power (110v) and thermostat
Frame built- in LED lighting
Filamament cooling fan
Automatic Nozzle cleaner using Marlin’s experimental nozzle g-code
As time permits I will try to cover many of these features in dedicated posts.

Some more pictures